

王 琳

发布者:  时间:2015-09-06 16:33:12  浏览:



l 姓名:王琳

l 类别:博士研究生导师

l 本人所属工作单位:新葡萄8883官网AMG

l 专业技术职称:教授/医师

l 职务:研究生处副处长

l 学术兼职:

2019- Research in Sports Medicine (SCI) 副主编

2021- Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness (SCI) 副主编

2022- 中国老年医学会运动健康分会 副会长

2018- 中国康复医学会康复教育专委会 委员

2020 中华预防医学会体育与健康分会 委员

2021- 《大众医学》专家顾问团 顾问

l 出生年月:197510

l 性别:男

l 招生专业:运动康复学/医学技术

l 联系方式:wanglin@sus.edu.cn

l 主要研究方向:1. 运动神经肌肉控制;2.运动损伤康复治疗;3. 足踝运动生物力学

l 学习及工作简历:


2009.9-2012.8 香港中文大学 运动科学 哲学博士

2003.9- 2006.6 天津体育学院 运动人体科学专业 理学硕士

1994.9- 1999.6 承德医学院 临床医学专业 医学学士


2019.6-      上海体育学院 研究生处 教授、副处长

2019.10-   海上体伤骨科医院 理事长

2019.1-2021.12 上海体育学院 运动康复学系 教授、主任

2015.5-2019.1 上海体育学院 运动康复学系 副教授、主任

2013.11-2015.5 上海体育学院 运动科学学院  运动康复教研室 副教授、主任

2013.4-2019.10 上海上体伤骨科医院 副院长

2012.9-2013.10 上海体育学院 运动科学学院  运动医学教研室 副教授

2006.9-2009.7 香港中文大学 体育运动科学系 助理研究员

1999.8-2003.8 中国电子科技集团第十三研究所医院 内科 住院医师

l 主要学术科研成果:(近5年,倒序排列)

Ÿ 论文文章

1) Lai, Z., Wang, R., Zhou, B., Chen, J., and and Wang, L. * (2023). Difference in the recruitment of intrinsic foot muscles in the elderly under static and dynamic postural conditions. Peer J, 11:e15719. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1571(SCI)

2) Hu, X., Liao, J., Hu. X., Zeng, Z., and Wang, L. * (2023). Effects of plantar-sensory treatments on postural control in chronic ankle instability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 18(6):e0287689. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287689(SCI)

3) Yin, L., Dong, K., Lai, Z., and Wang, L. * (2023). Reliability of foot intrinsic muscle strength testing and correlation with corresponding muscle morphology in elderly adults. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, doi:10.32604/mcb.2023.040788

4) Wei,Z., Liao, J., Hu, X., Li, P., and Wang, L. * (2023). Comparison of intrinsic foot muscle morphology and isometric strength among runners with different strike patterns.  PLoS ONE, 18(6): e0286645. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0286645 (SCI)

5) Zhou, W., Qi, Y., Liu, M., Hsiao, C., and Wang, L.* (2023). Effect of foot strike patterns and cutting angles on knee kinematics and kinetics during side-cutting maneuvers. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, doi:ABB-02192-2023-02 (SCI)

6) 魏震,王琳*. (2023).基于统计参数映射分析不同习惯落地模式跑者跑步过程中地面反力的差异. 应用力学学报, 40( 2) : 474-480. doi:10.11776/j.issn.1000-4939.2023.02.025 (CSCD)

7) Zeng, Z., Liu, Y., Hu, X., Li, P., and Wang, L.* (2023).Effects of high-heeled shoes on lower extremity biomechanics and balance in females: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 23:726. doi:10.1186/s12889-023-15641-8 (SCI)

8) Zhou, W., Yin, L., Jiang, J., Zhang, Y., Hsiao, C., Chen Y., Mo, S., and Wang, L.* (2023). Surface effects on kinematics, kinetics and stiffness of habitual rearfoot strikers during running. PLoS ONE, e18(3):e0283323. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0283323 (SCI)

9) Hu, X., Zeng, Z., Tang, M.,and Wang, L.* (2023). Age-related changes in plantar sensation and ankle proprioception in adolescents to older adults. Motor Control, doi:10.1123/mc.2022-0072 (SCI)

10) Liu, Y., Qi, Y., Song, Y., Feng, L., and Wang,L.* (2023). Influences of altering footstrike pattern and cadence on lower extremity joint coordination and variability among runners with patellofemoral pain. PLoS ONE, e8(1): e0280477. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0280477 (SCI)

11) Zeng, Z., Liu, Y., Li, P., and Wang, L.* (2022). Validity and reliability of inertial measurement units measurements for running kinematics in different foot strike pattern runners. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10:1005496. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2022.1005496 (SCI)

12) Wang, Z., Wei, Z., Li, X., Lai, Z., and Wang, L.* (2022). Effect of whole-body vibration on neuromuscular activation and explosive power of lower limb: A systematic review and Meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 17(12): e0278637. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0278637 (SCI)

13) Su, B., Jia, Y., Zhang, L., Li, D., Shen Q., Wang, C., Chen, Y.,  Gao, F.,  Wei, J., Huang, G., Liu, H., and Wang, L. * (2022). Reliability of TMS measurements using conventional hand-hold method with different numbers of stimuli for tibialis anterior muscle in healthy adults. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 16:986669. doi:10.3389/fncir.2022.986669 (SCI)

14) Li, P., Wei, Z., Zeng, Z., and Wang, L.* (2022). Acute effect of Kinesio tape on postural control in individuals with functional ankle instability following ankle muscle fatigue. Frontiers in Physiology, 13:980438. doi:10.3389/fphys.2022.980438 (SCI)

15) Zeng, Z., Liu, Y., Hu, X., Tang, M., and Wang, L.* (2022). Validity and reliability of inertial measurement units on lower extremity kinematics during running: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine – Open, 8(1):86. doi: 10.1186/s40798-022-00477-0 (SCI)

16) Lai, Z., Liu, M., Wang, L.,* and Zhang, Z. (2022). Plantar loads characteristics of male non-rearfoot strikers running on different overground surfaces at preferred speed. Journal of Men’s Health, 18(5): 105. doi:10.31083/j.jomh1805105  (SCI/SSCI)

17) Wang, L., Huang, G., Zhang, L., Yang, J., Ren, C., Liang, C., Shen, Y., and Su, B. (2022). Effects of the intermittent theta burst stimulation of the cerebellar vermis on balance recovery after stroke: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14:881311.doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.881311 (SCI)

18) Wei, Z., Zeng, Z., Liu, M., and Wang, L.* (2022). Effect of intrinsic foot muscles training on foot function and dynamic postural balance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 17(4): e0266525. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266525 (SCI)

19) Lai, Z., Hu, X., Xu, L., Dong, K., and Wang, L.* (2022). Evaluating the function of the foot core system in the elderly. JoVE-Journal of Visualized Experiments, doi:10.3791/63479 (SCI)

20) Yang, T., Li, X,P., Xia, P., Wang, X,J., Lu, J,Q., and Wang, L.* (2022). Effects of rTMS combined with rPMS on stroke patients with arm paralysis after contralateral seventh cervical nerve transfer: a case-series. International Journal of Neuroscience, doi:10.1080/00207454.2022.2032044 (SCI)

21) Yin, L., Liu, K., Liu C., Feng, X., and Wang, L.* (2021). Effect of kinesiology tape on muscle activation of lower extremity and ankle kinaesthesia in individuals with unilateral chronic ankle instability. Frontiers in Physiology,2021: 786584. doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.786584 (SCI)

22) 陈奕旸, 李静先, 王琳* (2021). 高跟鞋穿着对人体姿势稳定性的研究进展. 中国皮革, 50(8): 122-126. doi:10.13536/j.cnki.issn1001-6813.2021-008-027 (北核)

23) Lai, Z., Pang, H., Hu, X., Dong, K., and Wang, L.* (2021). Effects of intrinsic-foot-muscle exercise combined with the lower extremity resistance training on postural stability in older adults with fall risk: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials , 22:587. doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05554-5 (SCI)

24) Whissell, E., Wang, L.,# Li, J.X., Li, P., and Wei, Z. (2021). Biomechanical characteristics on the lower extremity of three typical Yoga manoeuvres. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2021: 7464719. doi:10.1155/2021/7464719 (SCI)

25) 魏震, 李静先, 王琳* (2021). 不同足落地模式跑者在不同路面跑步时足底压力特征. 中国运动医学杂志, 40(5): 344-351. doi: 10.16038/j.1000-6710.2021.05.004

26) Tang, M., Wang, L.,# You, W., Li, J., and Hu, X. (2021). Effects of taping techniques on arch deformation in adults with pes planus: A meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 16(7): e0253567. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253567

27) Zeng, Z., Yin, L., Zhou, W., Zhang, Y., Jiang, J., and Wang , L.* (2021). Lower extremity stiffness in habitual forefoot strikers during running on different overground surfaces. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 23(2):73-80.  doi:10.37190/ABB-01820-2021-02 (SCI)

28) 周文星, 王琳.* (2021). 人体运动过程中侧切落地模式和角度对下肢运动生物力学的影响. 中国组织工程研究,25(32):5184-5190. doi: 10.12307/2021.222 (北核)

29) 来章琦, 胡潇月, 王琳.* (2021). 足部核心稳定性相关因素对人体姿势控制影响的研究进展. 西安体育学院学报38(3): 353-359. doi:10.16063/j.cnki.issn1001-747x.2021.03.014 CSSCI

30) 苏彬, 黄桂兰, 房辉, 王琳.* (2021). 功能性电刺激治疗脑卒中后步行功能障碍的临床应用及相关机制研究进展. 中国康复医学杂志, 36(1):119-123. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1242.2021.01.024 (CSCD)

31) Zhou, W., Mo, S., and Wang, L.* (2021). Effects of overground surfaces on running kinematics and kinetics in habitual non-rearfoot strikers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(16):1822-1829. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2021.1898194  (SCI)

32) Lai, Z., Lee, L., Chen , Y., and Wang, L.* (2021). Comparison of whole-body vibration training and quadriceps strength training on physical function and neuromuscular function of individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised clinical trial. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness,19(3):150-157. doi: 10.1016/j.jesf.2021.01.003 (SCI)

33) Yin, L., Lai, Z., Hu, X., Liu, K., and Wang, L.* (2020). Leg Stiffness and Vertical Stiffness of Habitual Forefoot and Rearfoot Strikers during Running. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2020:8866340. doi:10.1155/2020/8866340  (SCI)

34) Wei, Z., Wang, X., and  Wang, L.* (2020). Effect of short-term kinesiology taping on knee proprioception and quadriceps performance in healthy individuals. Frontiers in Physiology, 11:603193. doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.603193 (SCI)

35) Chen, Y., Li, J.X., and Wang, L.* (2020). Influences of heel height on human postural stability and functional mobility between inexperienced and experienced high heel shoe wearers. Peer J, 8:e10239. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10239 (SCI)

36) Yin, L., Lai, Z., Hu, X., Liu, K., and Wang, L.* (2020). Evaluating postural control and lower-extremity muscle activation in individuals with chronic ankle instability. JoVE-Journal of Visualized Experiments, (163), e61592. doi:10.3791/61592 (SCI).

37) Hu, X., Li, JX., and Wang, L.* (2020). Sex differences in lower limb proprioception and mechanical function among healthy adults. Motor Control, 24(4): 571-587. doi:10.1123/mc.2020-0015 (SCI).

38) Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Fu, W., Wei, Z., Jiang, J., and Wang., L. * (2020). Plantar loads of habitual forefoot strikers during running on different overground surfaces. Applied Sciences, 10(7), 2271. doi:10.3390/app10072271 (SCI)

39) Yin, L., and Wang, L.* (2020). Acute effect of kinesiology taping on postural stability in individuals with unilateral chronic ankle instability.  Frontiers in Physiology, 11:192. doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.00192 (SCI)

40) Wei, Z., Li, JX., Fu, W., and Wang., L.* (2020) Plantar load characteristics among runners with different strike patterns during preferred speed. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 18(2):89-93. doi:10.1016/j.jesf.2020.01.003 (SCI)

41) Hu, X., Lai, Z., and Wang, L.* (2020). Effects of Taichi exercise on knee and ankle proprioception among individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Research in Sports Medicine, 28(2): 268–278 doi: 10.1080/15438627.2019.1663520 (SCI)

42) Zhang, Z., Huang, L., Liu, Y., and Wang, L.* (2020). Effect of Tai Chi training on plantar loads during walking in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. BioMed Research International, 2020:3096237. doi:10.1155/2020/3096237 (SCI)

43) 尹璐璐,王琳*. (2020). 肌内效贴对慢性踝关节不稳运动神经肌肉控制的影响. 中国组织工程研究,24(11):1783-1789.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2482 (北核)

44) Wei, Z., Zhang, Z., Jiang, J., Zhang, Y., and Wang, L.* (2019) . Comparison of plantar loads among runners with different strike patterns. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(18): 2152-2158. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1623990 (SCI)

45) Lai, Z., Lee, L., Hu, X., and Wang, L.* (2019). Effect of adding whole-body vibration training to strength training on physical function and muscle strength in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 19(3):333-341. (SCI),

46) Xu, M., Hong, Y., Li., J.X., and Wang, L.* (2019). Foot types classification for Chinese children and adolescents. Kinesiology, 51(1):127-132. doi: 0.26582/k.51.1.8 (SCI)

47) Xu, M., Hong, Y., Li., J.X., and Wang, L.* (2019). Foot morphology in Chinese adolescents aged between 13 to 18 years varies by gender and age. Medical Science Monitor, 25: 937-944. doi: 10.12659/MSM.912947 (SCI)

Ÿ 书籍

1) 王琳, 王雪强 主编 (2019),白领常见病运动康复指南,北京:科学出版社。

2) 王国祥,王琳 主编 (2019),运动损伤与康复, 北京:高等教育出版社。

3) 王琳 2021. 第四篇:运动能力的保障. 贺刚主编,运动人体科学概论, 北京:高等教育出版社。

Ÿ 课题

1) 基于惯性测量单元构建老年人平衡测试指标系统及建立跌倒预警模型(2023),主持,OPPO广东移动通信有限公司(¥720000

2) 基于动态系统理论利用惯性测量单元构建预警跑步下肢运动损伤模型的研究(2022),主持,上海体育学院省部级重点实验室开放基金(¥100,000

3) 上体-回力专业跑步运动鞋开发项目(2022),主持,上海回力有限公司咨询服务(¥500000

4) 冬季运动服装工效机理与评价技术研究(2019),主持,科技部子课题项目(2019YFF0302101)(¥630,000

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