


发布者:  时间:2024-09-14 11:56:10  浏览:


上海体育大学 兴奋剂检测实验室 高级工程师 硕士生导师

2015年毕业于中科院大连化物所 获理学博士学位,分析化学专业



  1. 基于液相色谱质谱技术的小分子及肽类兴奋剂检测新方法

  2. 新型兴奋剂药物代谢研究

Email: shanyuanhong@sus.edu.cn



  1. 主持科技部重大专项“科技冬奥”子课题1项;

  2. 参与国家级课题2项;

  3. 参与省部级课题2项;



  • Yuanhong Shan, Lizhen Qiao, et al. Preparation and evaluation of a novel hybrid monolithic column based on pentafluorobenzyl imidazolium bromide ionic liquid, Journal of Chromatography A, 2015.1.2, 1375: 101-109;

  • Yuanhong Shan, Xianzhe Shi, et al. Novel affinity monolithic column modified with cuprous sulfide nanoparticles for the selective enrichment of low-molecular-weight electron-rich analytes. Journal of Separation Science, 2015.3, 38(6): 982-989

  • Yuanhong Shan; Xianzhe Shi, et al. A fully automated system with on-line micro solid-phase extraction combined with capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for high throughput analysis of microcystins and nodularin-R in tap water and lake water, Journal of Chromatrography A, 2011.04.01, 1218:1743-1748;

  • Jing Jing, Tian Tian, Yang Wang, Xin Xu, Yuanhong Shan*. Multi-analyte screening of small peptides by alkaline pre-activated solid phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry in doping controls, Journal of Chromatography A, 2022.8, 1676: 463272;

  • Jing Jing, Yuanhong Shan, et al. Automated online dried blood spot sample preparation and detection of anabolic steroid esters for sports drug testing, Drug Testing and Analysis, 2022.2 14: 1040-1052




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